“Respect is a two-way street. If you want to get it, you have got to give it.”
Respecting elders and seniors in your personal and professional lives is an integral part of growing up for each one of us as human beings. The old adage above reflects this universal truth to a perfect ‘T’!
The multipurpose aims of GEN Z Series are to encourage the younger generation by building their confidence to not only share their creativity with the world, but also to share their quest and perspectives with the world at large. In fact, it is our small effort to mentor the younger generation of professionals from the respective fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planners, civil and structural engineers, and interior designers. Simultaneously, our stringent submission process prepares them to get adept to enter various international competitions sans rejection.

Our sincere efforts to give it back to the society has seen the GEN Z Series growing into a global community that fosters camaraderie among the established and the younger generation of professionals to learn from each other. Both the seniors and the juniors have their own stories to share with the world about their success and creativity. By uniting the two, ‘zerobeyond – the new frontier!’ has achieved great appreciation by both the established and the younger generation of professionals alike from all across the world. The GEN Z Series has become a global platform of learning for students worldwide and a place of futuristic ideation for professionals, who can benefit by collaborating creative minds.

Since our inception, ‘zerobeyond – the new frontier!’ has been inviting the younger generation of architects, landscape architects, urban planners, engineers and interior designers to showcase their creativity, for the senior professionals to notice talents across the fields in the world. The GEN Z category is not only meant for the GEN Zs as many individuals perceive. It is meant for all the young professionals, who will never get the chance to get featured in the global media. Interestingly, our GEN Z Series has etched its prominence as ‘the’ new benchmark for all the global platforms.

Global readers and professionals will be a bit surprised to know that barely 0.0001% grab our invites to showcase their creativity and share their individual quest in our GEN Z Series. It is also fascinating to note that individuals, who have been featured on our GEN Z Series has all moved towards better prospects and are now working in reputed firms worldwide. I feel so-so content and glad to see these young professionals succeeding and doing some of the fascinating works. Their spirit to excel with their passion, dedication and hard work is surely noteworthy for the whole world to acknowledge and applaud.

It is fascinating that of the total number of architects and interior designers across the world, barely 0.05% or even less gets featured in the global media – be it print, digital platforms or else on television. It is not that architects and interior designers, who never get featured in the global media is less creative or else not successful in their own state of being. The fact is that 99.05% of them do not grab the opportunities thrown at them. Many of them are not even allowed by their respective firms, because of their junior status. In short, as architects and interior designers if you do not grab the opportunities to get your creativity showcased for the world to appreciate, you will always remain an anonymous entity all your life, irrespective of your magnificent design creations.

We take great pride to say that ‘zerobeyond – the new frontier!’ is the sole global platform in the world to offer the golden opportunity for the younger generation to showcase their creativity and share their quest and perspectives with no prejudice whatsoever.
I must confess honestly that we certainly do not entertain professionals, who do not show respect towards our sincere efforts. The post is a reminder for everyone to note the “DO’s and DON’Ts” for our GEN Z Series. Our humble request to one and all is to maintain a respectful professional approach and interaction.

Feature Photo – Text and Photography: Johnny D