In a first, zerobeyond – the new frontier will not only be showcasing proposed projects of architecture students from all across the globe, but also promote the Gen Z to showcase their creativity and understanding of the field. The Gen Z is going to face much greater challenges in their lives. Hence, it becomes the responsibility of the seniors in the field to groom the talent to make them future- ready. This is a very small effort of ours to give back to the society and the world at large.
Srishti Janardhan is a 4th year undergraduate student of architecture at the Ranganathan College of Architecture, Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu, India. She strongly believes that ‘architecture is not limited to functionality’. She is a keen observer and meticulous in her approach towards constantly learning, while exploring new ways to create her designs by using latest software.

The Gen Z architecture student Srishti Janardhan talks to Johnny D about how architecture has influenced and changed her perspective towards our modern civilization.
What does ‘Architecture’ means to you?
I believe ‘Basic concrete, sterile, monotonous buildings with hardly any concept behind their erection make the physical environment dull and uneventful’. Architecture, according to me, creates beautiful spaces by perfectly blending art and science. More than that, it represents culture, connects people with their roots. It represents how we see ourselves and the world.
Architecture reflects the age and the circumstances, under which the building has been constructed or the built environment had been created at a particular give time and space. Subconsciously, it unites people of similar culture and brings a sense of oneness. Architecture adds art and liveliness to a space, promotes well-being, thereby enriching people’s lifestyle aesthetically and probably spiritually too.
As a profession, it might be challenging but when you get to shape the world around people, you know it’s worth it! There is supremacy in knowing that as an architect you had decided the ambience of that volume of space.

How has ‘Architecture’ influenced your life as a student?
After I decided to pursue architecture as a career, I studied at great length how important architecture is for the human civilization. Architecture is not only about designing elements, but also it is an instrumental influencer in our everyday lives. There is no doubt that a person’s perspective of looking at a space or a volume changes drastically, when s/he enters this field. Henceforth, an individual tends to find a purpose behind every creation.

Curiosity opens the mind to a new level of imagination, one that does not have a finite boundary. An individual feels empowered to stand on a high skyscrapers gracefully adorned with glass or enjoy a sense of contentment and security to be surrounded by wooden snug cottages. It is more like acquiring a lens that lets you explore the real beauty of and around architecture.
A real sense of awareness enters within our subconscious level to understand architecture that we see around us, as mere buildings or structures. The similarity in patterns of houses of various communities, detailed ornamentation of religious buildings or minimalist façade of modern houses are not just derived from definite wisdom of how things should be, but also it is a collective consequence of the needs and beliefs of cultures, and years of refinement that the world of architecture has build to make this world a better place to live.

Which architect has inspired you in the field of architecture?
I was always keen on organizing and designing spaces that are in true contrast to the conditioned ways of designing. Also, I love the way birds and other living creatures make their habitats without disturbing the existing nature. This is the very fact that made it so beautiful and connected to its environment. I used to wonder if human habitats could be made in a way that it blends with its existing environment – how wonderful it would have been.

The curiosity led me to my research. I stumbled across this breathtakingly charming building called the ‘Falling Water’ by the great architect Frank Llyod Wright. He foresaw the need of homes to be more fluid and less restrictive and block like. This residence lies amidst a fall with water flowing beneath the house. Frank Llyod Wright made the perfect use of the protruding rock from the waterfall to give his client, a living experience of their lifetime.
I am greatly influenced by Frank Lloyd Wright’s design concepts. As a soon-to-be architect, I would love to incorporate modern elements keeping in mind the needs of the future.

How has the pandemic affected your learning process in the last two years?
Architecture studies demand its students to constantly interact with their classmates, so that they are able to share their design ideas with the whole class. This process is very significant for every student, because it helps an individual to grow by receiving constructive criticism, feedback and improvisation. Before the Pandemic, we were taken to site visits and had one-on-one knowledge sharing discussions and lectures with our professors. It played an integral part in our designs. We were in an environment where the air was filled with a sense of positive competition, on-going chattering of students encouraging each other for a better outcome.

The pandemic has created challenging times for architecture students, who had to face a great deal of inconvenience. Architecture is more a practical subject with regular site visits and group discussions while learning. However, our college has tried its level best to make our online learning as effective as possible. There is no doubt that our lives became challenging. However, it also taught us how to organize things, when we are faced with such challenges.

The online learning has its ups and downs. It has made many of us very responsible to explore our own areas of interest and develop organizing skills. Being at home all the time can be cumbersome. However, I believe it depends on the passion and will of an individual to learn and put in the best efforts to be the best. This applies to everyone in every field learning or working.

I look at the brighter side, because my parents have taught my sisters and me to be positive in life. The pandemic has made a greater impact on the way an architect has to think now about the future living conditions. Design concepts will see much better ideas coming out from architectural firms. Life is always a great challenge. Everyone of us have to face with a positive attitude.
Image Courtesy: Srishti Janardhan