The feature photo of this Editorial post is symbolic in nature depicting the current state of the end of our human civilization as Human Greed Crisis / Climatic Catastrophes are in full spate destructing one nation after another ferociously. Yes, one cannot deny the global reality of this unprecedented phenomenon, because none of the global readers, I REPEAT, none of the global leaders are really worried about APOCALYPSE! Human Greed cannot stand any chance whatsoever against Nature’s deadly onslaught with all the technological advancements or available data and scientific findings.

Wayanad Landslide

One may talk, write, discuss or proclaim of all the sustainability measures taken by the architecture world, however, the fact is that we humans cannot save our Planet Earth anymore. Everything has been exposed about the MSM – Misinformation Spreading Machine, who has played a significant role in Climatic Destruction by helping global leaders and policymakers to satiate their greed instead of holding each one of them accountable for the dire situation they have put the Planet Earth and lives of the global citizens. The world is heading towards apocalypse at a faster pace than ever before. It is only a matter of time!

Uttarakhand Landslide

The recent magnitude and scale of floods in China, US, India, Russia, European Countries, Saudi Arabia, Latvia, Slovenia, Taiwan, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Belarus, Canada, Belgium, France, Italy, Switzerland, Serbia, Mexico and Germany just to name the prominent ones say only one thing about our inefficiency and seriousness to safeguard precious lives, property, houses, farmlands, vehicles and cattle – which is perishing at an alarming magnitude all over the world.

Ethiopia Landslide

Landslides and Floods are happening because of human greed crisis. Nature has been warning humans about the dangers every single day that is passing by. But we humans are gloating about our achievements by creating AI – Artificial Intelligence. And as usual, the MSM write features to spread misinformation that AI will save Planet Earth from Climatic Destruction – totally crap! Interestingly, lies and misinformation not only travel faster, but also majority of the global population believe in them to make such lies go viral. What a world human greed has created!!!

Karnataka Landslide


Dams were constructed to help the humankind to generate electricity and provide irrigation to farmlands. However, dams have become the major reasons for catastrophic destruction engulfing houses, farmlands, cattle, properties, vehicles and not forgetting millions of lives worldwide. I often wonder as to why engineers never really thought about an alternative to release water when there are heavy rains in the region in a systematic and effective manner, so that precious lives could be saved from destructive floods. Yes, it is my wishful thinking indeed!

Floods in China

Needless to say, whenever there are heavy rains and the rivers cross danger marks, immediately floodgates are opened with no concern for the thousands of lives that will be drowned at one go. This callous approach is the result of human greed. Yes, we are all smart now, because we are all using smart-phones – and that is why we have not only lost our common sense, but also have forgotten to question logically about simple solutions that can save millions of lives from these Human Greed Crisis.

Vermont Floods, USA


The world has been witnessing to record catastrophic landslides worldwide taking thousands of lives at one swipe leaving no trace of anything that existed before. We humans have been chipping and razing hills and mountains mindlessly to either construct houses or else roads. Interestingly, no one really uses common sense or logical intelligence to realize that by doing so, we are weakening the structure of hills and mountains. Once the base of hills and mountains are weakened, landslides are bound to happen.

Switzerland Floods

Policymakers and global leaders are to be blamed for this human greed crisis. India has seen an unprecedented number of deadly landslides in 2024. Ethiopia too saw catastrophic proportion of landslides recently. Landslides are happening all over the world more frequently than before. But are the leaders of the nations really taking any concrete steps to put an end to the man-made catastrophes? Think about it!

Feature Photo: Ambernath Shiv Mandir

Photographer: Johnny D

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