‘For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction!’ – Newton’s Third Law of Motion, 1686

We are in the year 2024! Exactly 338 years ago Sir Isaac Newton first presented the three ‘Laws of Motion’ in his book Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica. The repercussion of ‘Human Greed’ (action) is the result of today’s ‘Global Urban Disaster’ (equal and opposite reaction) based on the Newton’s Third Law! Needless to say, in spite of knowing the consequences, we, the so-called intelligent lot among the species, humans have not only destroyed Planet Earth to a point of no return, but also have become incapable to overcome the ‘equal and opposite reaction’ of Nature’s devastating onslaught every single day of the year.

The everyday Global Urban Disasters has exposed the global leaders’ policymaking, urban planners’ faulty urban planning, architects, landscape architects, the real estate corporation and the builders’ lobby in the most blatant manner. In every single case, it is the ‘Human Greed’ that has taken precedence over safeguarding the lives of the citizens and not forgetting Planet Earth’s healthy state.

All the major cities in the world are facing destruction in a catastrophic manner that has never been witnessed or experienced before. And none of the global leaders really care to tackle these destructive phenomena to protect their own citizens. Since time immemorial, their only agenda is ‘Citizens can always be fooled time and again with false promises, and they can be fooled every single time’. Yes, this is the harsh reality and one of the significant factors, why none of the global leaders are making any efforts to safeguard your family, your city, your nation and you. Just like they abandon your lives, it is high time for global citizens to abandon these leaders by not contributing (money) to wipe out your own whole world. ‘Human Greed’ is the ultimate drug that is hell bent on destructing Planet Earth at all cost.

Nations that used to proudly boast of being the so-called ‘Developed’ are all drowning and failing like the nine pins to stand erect in pride of their developed status. Instead of taking concrete steps to combat the ‘Climatic Destruction’, global leaders fool their citizens with temporary fix – like evacuation from the affected regions, feed for couple of days / weeks, provide temporary shelters, clothes & blankets etc – and then – everything is forgotten for global citizens to resurrect their own lives in their own capacity.  Leaders then will finally announce their cliché lies – ‘We are proud of the resilience of our people and blah blah….’  Interestingly, all the citizens will clap like fools about this BIG LIE without even realizing they all have lost so much in one stroke! – Isn’t it amazing?

Have you really ever thought that you have lost everything in the bargain? Your life, property, memories, everything you had bought with your hard-earned money, your family members’ lives and your children’s future as your struggle continues! Global Urban Disaster leaves indelible psychological scars on each individual, who have suffered the catastrophic onslaught of Nature once. Ironically, nowadays every year has become more dangerous than the previous one. If you have survived the last climatic destruction, chances are that you will lose this year and so on.

Planet Earth faces near about 2000 plus climatic catastrophes in epic proportion each year. Human Greed onslaught is increasing with each passing year and the destruction around the world is getting severe and catastrophic in nature. The world is losing nearly $1 to $2 Trillion each year, because of all the destruction, while billions of lives are affected and millions lost. Apocalypse is just waiting to embrace one and all!

‘Human Greed’ will triumph to lose the “Battle Royale” against Nature for sure!  

NOTE: Images are used for representation purpose only

Image Credit: Respective Climate Vloggers on YouTube

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