I am sure you all know the Latin phrase ‘Carpe diem’ – Seize the day, literally meaning ‘seizing the opportunity’. At ‘zerobeyond – the new frontier!’ carpe diem mainly applies for the young student-architects and to a greater extent for all the architects, engineers and interior designers of the world.
There must be more than a billion plus of architects, engineers and interior designers around the world. In my two plus decades’ experience as a journalist-editor, I have seen barely 10% of these professionals getting featured or interviewed in various prevalent media for their projects and awards’ wins. An amazing percentage of 90 never get the chance to see their interviews or projects getting featured in the media. Every creative individual aspires to see their interview(s) and project(s) to get featured in multiple media platforms – be it on print, TV or else on digital platform.

There are plenty of reasons for the 90% of the above-mentioned professionals never getting the chance to get interviewed or featured in the media. Prominent among them are: most of them work under renowned architects as junior staff or else they never end up becoming a leader to lead projects; many do not dare to seize the opportunity when they are given one; lack of confidence; and not making their names popular enough for journalists in the media circuit to interview them. Believe me, it is heartening when an individual is creative and never gets the opportunity for his/her projects to see the day of the light.
How I wish, there was a platform like ‘zerobeyond – the new frontier!’, when I had completed my Diploma in Interior Design during the 90s. I would have grabbed the opportunity to showcase my creative project with no inhibition whatsoever. Even though, we have featured student-architects from South Africa to Romania, America to Malaysia, Sudan to Britain, India to Indonesia, Lithuania to Uzbekistan, Kenya to Australia and many more countries – I still find young student-architects lack confidence to showcase their creativity on a global platform.

‘zerobeyond – the new frontier!’ is the sole global platform in the world to give once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to young student-architects/ engineers/interior designers to not only showcase their proposed projects, but also share their amazing journeys into their respective fields by boosting their self-confidence. You all will be amazed to know that only 1-2% of student-architects/engineers/interior designers have grabbed the opportunity to get featured in our global platform. How I wish it was the other way around. I wish to interview every nation and every architecture/engineering and interior design institution’s students in our new frontier.
The GEN Z Series is a category for young student-architects/engineers and interior designers, who never get a chance to voice their perspectives on a global level. We have changed that perception. All are welcome here from all over the world. However, I also wish to inform you all that ‘zerobeyond – the new frontier!’ has set a very high standard to get the opportunity to get featured in the GEN Z Series. Professionalism, Respect, Gratitude, Etiquette and Manners, and how you make your first impression while interacting with the Editor-in-Chief is of utmost importance. We have set very strict and high standards for individual’s submission, just like a global competition entry.

Soumya Singh Chaudhary’s thesis titled ‘Revitalisation of Historic Meerut City’
I am sharing with you all the most amazing gratitude-filled mail I have ever received by a student-architect after her interview was published. The mail is self-explanatory and I am sure you will see all the above-mentioned characteristics I had stated earlier. An individual’s first and last interactions reflect an individual’s upbringing and what all s/he has learned in the three or five past years as a student of architecture, engineering and interior design from his/her professors, senior architects during internship and above all from their respective elders and seniors in their personal and professional lives.
Young student-architects/engineers and interior designers and senior professionals in the respective fields, carpe diem!
Johnny D