The year 2024 will go down in the history of Human Civilization as “The Year of Live Genocide of Palestinians by Israel’! The UN-led (US Veto), US + EU + the UK + Western Nations’ Allies (Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Jordon, Egypt, South Korea, DR Congo, Nigeria, Gabon and others) backed – supported and sponsored “Genocide in Gaza” will be recorded in the history as the “Darkest Year of Humanity”!

Click to Watch Destruction in Gaza
UN-led Genocide
The UN was established not to safeguard democracy, but to facilitate ‘Genocide in the world by the Collective West’ in a systematic manner. We are in the 15 month of gruesome massacre of new born babies in incubators, children, women, men – young and old and not forgetting the physically challenged by Zionist Terrorists supported and backed by none other than the UNO – United Nations Organization! What a shame!

Click to Watch Children suffering in Cold
Legalizing War Crimes
War itself is “the” crime against humanity! But how brilliantly the UN has legalized its war crimes in Gaza by Israel! Bombing civilian infrastructure, bombing hospitals, bombing tents’ shelters, bombing UN Schools, cutting off electricity, water supply and food aid, massacring babies and children, and unarmed women and men in hundreds of thousand by Zionist Terrorists? Nothing seems to even shaken even a tiny-bit of conscience of the UN. All the UN did was issuing statements to make ‘Big-Big Misleading Headlines’ in the Mainstream Media – the MSM has become the Misinformation Spreading Machine – in the last 15 months. Ironically hilarious is UN’s incapability to safeguard its own UN Peacekeeping forces! The UN is truly the Ultra Narcissistic Oppressor of the world!

Click to Watch Children collecting Water to Survive
Global Citizen Unites
Citizens of nations do not want Wars, but greedy evil leaders do! Citizens are patriotic towards their respective nations, but leaders are hell bent to destroy their own as well as other’s nations! The “Live Genocide of Palestinians” in your drawing, dining and bedrooms has shaken the global citizens to the hilt to unite against the evil global leaders. I salute each and every citizen of the world, who has come out courageously to protest against their respective nations’ leaders in solidarity for the unending suffering of Palestinians. Do not rest global citizens till Palestinians achieve their freedom!

Click to Watch Palestinian Children struggling to get Food
Western Mainstream Media Exposed
Gaza Genocide has exposed the Western MSM – Mainstream Media for their unwavering support of Israel’s crimes against humanity. Western Mainstream Media, better coined Misinformation Spreading Machine, has crossed all the limits to stoop into the lowest possible standard by selling their conscience and being callous towards the massacre of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. No one should believe any more that is propagated in the Mainstream Media. NEWS has become “Narcissistic Evil World of Sycophants”!

Click to Watch Palestinian woman’s struggle in Rain
Western Nations’ Human Rights’ Hypocrisy
All the Western Nations’ Human Rights Organizations’ hypocritical approach towards “Genocide in Gaza” also reflects its unwavering support and complicity in the “Crimes of the Century” by Israel. Interestingly, they have all vanished and are in hiding with shame, guilt and endless greed. They can only point out human rights violation in Asian, African, Middle East and South American nations. But when it comes to Western Nations, they all go underground in hiding like true cowards!

Click to Watch Compassion in trying times
Colonizers’ Genocidal History
Ever since humans built the first ship, the game of looting other nations’ rich mineral resources and massacring innocent indigenous people commenced to give birth to “Genocide” in Human Civilization. European Colonizers’ history is filled with numerous “Genocides” in America, Canada, Asia, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Middle East and South America. The heinous history to rule others’ nations depict only one thing – the culture of evil and destructive inhumanity!

Click to Watch Genocide by European Nations
UN Undemocratic Structure
The UN was established to safeguard “Democracy” in the world. Ironically, the UN’s structure is 1000% “UNDEMOCRATIC” and “HEGEMONIC” in nature! The logical question is ‘How will a hegemonic and undemocratic organization safeguard ‘Democracy’?’ The “Genocide in Gaza by US-led and backed Zionist Terrorists” has exposed the UN, as today it is standing “shamelessly naked” in front of the whole world. No one believes in the authenticity of the UN anymore!

Click to Watch Palestinians’ struggle in rain
Environmental Holocaust
Apart from every day “Climatic Destruction”, the multiple unwanted wars in the world are creating “Environmental Holocaust”. Sitting in their ivory towers, do global leaders even care about saving Planet Earth? NO, they don’t, because their “Greed for Power” and “Evil Intentions” has no place for safeguarding Planet Earth. The humongous destruction in Gaza with nearly 80 to 90% buildings being reduced to rubble is the testament of our modern world!

Click to Watch Finding Joy during Genocide in Gaza
Courageous Vs Cowards
Colonizers have always labeled “Freedom Fighters” as ‘Terrorists’ as a part and parcel of their propaganda. However, the fact cannot be ruled out that the real terrorists are “the Colonizers”, who create fear massacring millions, steal other nations’ rich mineral resources, treats indigenous citizens as slaves to rule over nations, which is not theirs in the first place. History is full of such dreaded facts and stories of fights of the courageous versus the cowards. In Global Historical Records, truth is etched in bold golden letters stating that “Every Colonizer was kicked out brutally by the Freedom Fighters of the nations”! Israel will also be ultimately kicked out from Palestine, just like Indians kicked out the British after 200 years of slavery! It is only a matter of time. Look at the British today, once they ruled two-thirds of the world, but today, they have become incapable to even rule their own country. What you sow is what you get!

Gaza Marine
The “Genocide in Gaza” by UN-led US + EU-backed Zionist Terrorists is all about looting the Gaza Marine – 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Gaza Marine was discovered in the year 2000. The rich amount of natural gas was to be shared between Palestine in Gaza, Egypt and Israel. In the last 24 years, Gaza Marine deposit is lying idle and is of no use to any nation. The unprecedented destruction of Gaza by UN-led Zionist Terrorists is to loot the 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas from the Palestinians to benefit Europe at large.

Click to Watch The Soul of My Soul
Insulting Defeat of Fascists!
A handful of Palestinian Freedom Fighters have shown to the whole world what it takes to take on the most powerful nation – the US and its Western Allies along with Israel. Like in every freedom struggle, the Palestinians have fought bravely to guard their nation against the coward colonizer and their partners-in-crime. The “Insulting Defeat of Fascists’ Regime” has been insulted and humiliated in their 15-month struggle to win over a handful of Palestinian Freedom Fighters. In spite of their might, power, modern weapons and bombs, and Collective Western support – the Israelis have failed miserably so far, while self-destroying their own region and global standing depicting only of one thing – “Cowards are no match for Palestinian Bravehearts!”

Click to Watch Children of Gaza
Global Solidarity Symbol
The year of 2024 marks a new global historical achievement as the Palestine Flag has become the “Global Symbol of Freedom” for one and all! As we mark the end of 2024 to embark in 2025, I wish only one thing along with billions of global citizen – FREEDOM OF PALESTINE!
2025 will become a happy year, only when Palestine achieves their freedom from Zionist Terrorists!

Click to Watch Palestine will be Resurrected from the Rubble
Image Courtesy: Images have been used for representation purpose only