At ‘zerobeyond – the new frontier!’, we are passionately committed to not only generate awareness about the ‘Climatic Destruction / Human Greed Destruction’ happening all around the world, but also making each individual to think logically to understand how “Propaganda about Climatic Destruction” are being spread by various parties / groups, namely – Climate Scientists, The MSM – Mainstream Media, State Apparatus, Policymakers, Foundations, Incorporation, PR Agencies, the UN, Global Leaders and the Billionaires’ Club to misguide the global citizens.

Watch Flood in Kentucky and Virginia
Interestingly and ironically, these Climate Scientists will never really mention or talk about the “Real Issues” behind the Human Greed Catastrophes in any of the Climate Summits. Propaganda has been weaved so brilliantly and being splashed on your faces day in and day out, that one will assume how great these Foundations are really working to safeguard Planet Earth. On the contrary, they are all responsible for the deterioration of the current state and magnitude of Human Greed Destruction that is destroying Planet Earth left, right and centre at a ferocious pace.

‘What the Climate Scientists will not tell you…..’ Series will elucidate how the Billionaires’ Club of the World is satiating their greed to destroy Planet Earth at a phenomenal pace, which is leading us all towards Apocalypse! The new Series will decipher the logical explanation behind all that is happening around the world to make you wonder why and what you have never been told by the Climate Scientists – Yes, the Reality behind all the human greed catastrophes!

Watch Perth devastated by severe storm, Australia
In the first part, we will take a look at the background of these Climate Scientists and the agenda behind their works. Have you ever heard any Climate Scientists talking about putting a check on “the” spreading of Climate Propaganda by every nation in the world? Have you ever seen any Climate Scientists objecting to the term “Climate Crisis” used by the MSM – Misinformation Spreading Machine? Logically speaking, ‘Climate Crisis’ is the wrong term to describe all the catastrophes that is destroying Planet Earth 365 days 24 x 7. None of the Climate Scientists have come forward to tell to the world that “Climate” is not in the “Crisis”, but it is the “Earth” that is in real “Crisis”. So the right term would be “Earth Crisis” and not “Climate Crisis”!

Ever since Planet Earth came into its existence, Climate has been changing every single second and was never in ‘Crisis’, so how come in the 21st Century, all of a sudden the “Climate Crisis” was coined by Climate Scientists? We humans may have invented AI, but not even a single Climate Scientist in the world can really claim to know or understand how “Nature” really works in its totality. Nature is as mysterious as it has been since time immemorial. No one can dictate terms or control “Nature” – PERIOD!

Watch Human Greed Catastrophe in Hawaii
Let us take a look at Climate Scientists’ background and how they get paid, and by which bodies. Did you know that Climate Scientists are on the salary of Government Agencies and Corporate Foundations? They get paid by research grants to pursue their studies and research about climate. It would not be wrong to say that Climate Scientists get paid by taxpayers’ money. One of the prominent bodies is NSF – the National Science Foundation, who funds basic research of academic scientists. One will be amazed to know Climate Scientists’ salaries range from $46,000 to $145,500 annually with various perks, benefits and privileges as per their designation and status.

The irony and the most amazing fact is the nexus between the Climate Scientists, Government Bodies and the Billionaires’ Club. Think logically, as to why these prominent Incorporations and Government Bodies are funding Climate Scientists? Do they really sincerely care to safeguard Planet Earth? If they really did cared, the world would never see all the unwanted destruction and massacres of innocent lives in various nations by unwanted wars and genocide. The stark reality of this nexus is to “Destroy Planet Earth to satiate their never-ending greed”.

Interestingly, you all will be amazed to see the prominent donors’ list, which reads like a ‘Who’s who’. Here are some of them listed: Anne T. & Robert M. Bass Foundation; Bernard and Anne Spitzer Charitable Trust; Bezos Earth Fund; Bloomberg Philanthropies; Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; Children’s Investment Fund Foundation; Climate Pathfinders Foundation; The David and Lucile Packard Foundation; Don & Judy Spiro Fund; Elhapa Foundation Inc.; Ford Foundation; Gates Ventures; Good Energies Foundation; Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; The Grantham Foundation for the Protection of the Environment; High Tide Foundation; IKEA Foundation; John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; KR Foundation; Margaret A. Cargill Foundation; NICFI – Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative; Oak Foundation; Open Philanthropy; Pisces Foundation; The Robertson Foundation; Sarah and Daniel Rueven Foundation; and The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.

Watch Flood destructing Malaysia
Watch out for PART II of the Series…..