In less than 4 years of US Presidency, the Biden Administration + NATO + Western Allies have handed over 2 sovereign States, namely Afghanistan and Syria to terrorist organizations – Taliban and US + EU + allies – backed HTS, ex-ISIS and Al Qaeda respectively. And the United Nations did not even raise any hue and cry, and neither did any WESTERN MAINSTREAM MEDIA or WESTERN HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS! It is the “Greatest Humiliating Achievements” and the “Greatest Insulting Legacy” of Biden’s supremacy or American hegemony!
In the first case of Afghanistan, the Collective West’s humiliating defeat by a handful of Taliban was one of the longest wars waged on terrorism post-9/11. 20 long years, $3 Trillion worth of ammunitions and destructive bombs plus more than hundreds of thousands massacred and killed or dead – well, the magnitude of the 20 years’ ordeal is haunting the Collective West even today. Afghanistan’s oil, natural gas and opium were looted by the Collective West in the 20 long years’ reign of war. Interestingly, the self-proclaimed Super Power of the world, NATO plus Western Allies’ Army, Air Force and Navy lost the 20-year battle against the terrorist organization Taliban and Al Qaeda. What a shame!
The recent takeover of Syria by US+EU-backed terrorist organization HTS, also known as Al Qaeda 2.0 by international philosophers and critics, is also about Oil and Gas – the Fossil Fuel. America and the Collective West had already destroyed Syria since the last 13 years with sanctions, sponsored civil unrest and Collective West-backed various terrorist organizations. Syria – the Sovereign State became free-for-all to grab – be it America, Turkey, Israel Iraq and Kurdish, while Russia and Iran stood with Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Two Sovereign Nations have been destroyed forever in a systematic manner.
In Part VI of the series, we take a look at nations ranked from 44th to 54th. Ranked at 44th TURKMENISTAN with 0.036% oil and gas reserves was once a part of the USSR. The nation is surrounded by Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Iran, Afghanistan and the Caspian Sea. The nation has abundant natural resources of gas and oil deposits. So far, it has remained safe from Western Nations’ destructive policy.
Among the 11 nations listed in Part VI, we take a look at Western Nations allies – ranked 45th ROMANIA* 0.036%; 47th ITALY* 0.035%; 48th DENMARK* 0.033%; 49th TUNISIA* 0.026%; 51st UKRAINE* 0.024%; 52nd PAKISTAN* 0.021%; and 53rd TURKEY* 0.019%. Apart from Pakistan and Ukraine, none of these nations are embroiled in any unwanted wars waged by the US. However, these Western Allied nations are all involved and have played significant roles in backing – supporting and sponsoring the “Genocide in Gaza” by Zionist terrorists since October 2023 to present day massacring thousands of Palestinians.
Even though Pakistan and Ukraine are Western Nations’ allies, they have been brilliantly destroyed by the US + EU + NATO and the UN in a systematic manner. Pakistan has been embroiled with political unrest and terrorist organizations Taliban and Al Qaeda. The US had played great role in ousting former Prime Minister Imran Khan, thereby creating political unrest in the nation. The Collective West has always eyed nations with rich mineral resources to loot by creating unrest, so the nation becomes dependent on the Western powers for everything.
Ukraine has not only destroyed itself by aligning with the West, but also has become the greatest example of ‘how a nation can self-destruct itself the Zelenskyy way’. The US + EU + NATO showed Ukraine “the carrot” of NATO membership in order to destroy two nations with one stone. Needless to say, nearing almost three years, Ukraine has become US and Collective West’s ‘Black Hole’ just like Afghanistan was for 20 long years. The real agenda of aiding Ukraine with billions and billions of dollars of weapons and ammunition is to loot Ukraine’s $12 trillion worth of critical minerals like titanium, iron ore, fields of untapped lithium and coal.
Instead of killing two birds – Ukraine and Russia – with one stone, today Europe is facing the consequences of its greed. Germany, UK, France and most of the European nations are facing unprecedented conditions to callously punishing their own citizens. The question everyone is asking now – Was it really worth? Because the US, EU and NATO are never going to give Ukraine NATO Membership as Russia will not allow it to happen ever.
Ranked 46th UZBEKISTAN 0.036% and 50th THAILAND 0.025%, these two nations have so far remained out of West’s radar. Uzbekistan, once part of the USSR has rich deposits of Gold, Uranium, Natural Gas and Oil, many others. Thailand is facing political instability and has had autocratic rule post 2014 coup and a decade-long military rule. The Collective West is happy as long as Asian, African, Middle Eastern and Latin American nations are embroiled in political instability – they can continue their looting shamelessly and they can keep destroying nations one after another with no questions asked or accountability.
Ranked 54th BOLIVIA 0.013% is currently embroiled in political instability and unrest. President Evo Morales was overthrown in a coup by US in 2019. Bolivia is rich in minerals like Tin, Silver, Zinc, Rare Earth, Lithium, Antimony, Gold, Copper and many others. Once a Western Puppet Head of the State is placed by the US, the loot begins behind the closed doors.
The Collective West has been systematically destroying nations across the globe with consistency and looting their rich mineral resources – all in the name of Democracy! It is ironical and great shame that everything happens under the umbrella of the United Nations – the organization which is supposed to protect democracy of nations in the world.
To be continued…..