NEWS, as we all have known, is a broadcasting platform created by respective State all over the world to inform the global citizens of various happenings. In our modern times, NEWS or better known as the ‘Mainstream Media’ has been propagated as the “Fourth Pillar of the Democracy”. However, the harsh reality is just the opposite. The MSM – Mainstream Media is the “Misinformation Spreading Machine” of the State ever since it was created or established.

It is very important to understand the world of NEWS and how it is run by the State, Top Billionaires of respective nations and not forgetting the Incorporations. Having worked in multiple esteemed National Dailies and various Publications in my career spanning a quarter of a Century, I have unearthed logically the reality of what NEWS is all about. I have logically coined the full form of NEWS as “Narcissistic Evil World of Sycophants”.  The first ever LIVE Genocide in Gaza has established how the MSM has served the massacre of thousands of babies, children, women, and men – old, young and physically challenged to establish my apt full form of NEWS to the perfect ‘T’!

The evil pattern has become the stark reality of our lives today. Interestingly, after the Second World War (2nd September 1945), the Western Nations has systematically destroyed oil producing nations one after another, if they do not ally with them. It is also surprising that in the last 79 years, with billions plus journalists all over the world, not even a single journalist has written about this systematic pattern of the Western Nations to destroy majority of oil producing nations and Planet Earth simultaneously. Ironically, the destruction of Planet Earth has reached to a “Point-of-no-return” due to the ‘Human Greed’ of the select few.

In the Part IV of the series, we will take a look at the next 11 nations, ranked 22nd to 32nd in the world standings. At No. 22, we have Norway, a Western Ally with 0.31% oil reserves. Obviously, no one has ever heard about any unwanted invasion or political coup in Norway. Sudan at No. 23 with 0.30% oil reserves has been in turmoil since one can really remember, because of its evil dictator Omar al-Bashir, who was overthrown by the Sudanese population on the 11th of April 2019 for increasing the “Price of Bread by 300%”. Omar al-Bashir ruled as the President from 1993 to 2019, destroying Sudan for 26 long years. From 2019 till date, the civil unrest in Sudan between the two factions – SAF (Sudanese Armed Forces) and the RSF (Rapid Support Forces) is directly linked to the Western Nations and its allies Saudi-Emirati’s influence.

Sudan’s rich mineral resources like Gold, Silver, Iron, Copper, Zinc, Lead, Uranium, Manganese, Steel Limestone and Marbles are some of the prominent ones that are the real reasons for the massacre that is happening since the last 5 plus years after overthrowing the Dictator. The Western Allies has been pumping in tonnes of deadly arms and weapons to keep exploiting the situation in Sudan. Sudan is a destroyed nation with no future whatsoever. And yes, no one in the world really cares about Sudan or its people! An unstable nation is good for the Western Nations to loot the rich minerals and benefit from the political turmoil.

India at No. 24 with 0.29% has had its shares of ups and downs with both the Superpowers – the US and Russia. The ever so ongoing conflicts with Pakistan and China, created by Western Nations’ influence is the downside, while India had and has brilliantly handled a balanced relationships between the regressive and demanding Western Nations and its strongest friend and ally Russia. However, the Western Nations have and are always trying to create problems for India in one way or the other, but interestingly they have always failed.

Vietnam with 0.27% stands at No. 25. The US and its allies’ insulting defeat are etched in epic proportion in history books. The war lasted for nearly 20 long years to finally end in 1975. Vietnam’s rich minerals like Gold, Oil and Gas, Phosphates, Rare Earth Elements, Bauxite, Copper, Silver, Manganese, Iron and Zinc have always attracted the Western Nations to loot these mineral resources to benefit European Nations and America. In whichever country America enters, it has first destroyed its Cultural fabric, then economic and finally the political arena to exploit all the riches of respective nations.

At No. 26, non-NATO ally Egypt holds 0.27% of oil reserves. The insurmountable debt crisis and unstable political scenario under authoritarian Abdel Fattah el-Sisi since 2014 has put Egypt to depend more on the US and European Nations to bail his nation from the dire economic crisis.

The Southeast-Asian nation Indonesia with 0.22% oil reserves holds the No. 27 place. Indonesia’s rich minerals resources like Gold, Nickel, Coal, Bauxite, Copper, tin, and spices and timber has had great influence by the US.  In 1965, Sukarno was overthrown by US intervention because he was anti-US and anti-western nations. US put Suharto, who changed his stance against the Western Nations and ruled Indonesia with iron fist as Military Dictator. The “1975 Genocide in East Timor” by Indonesian forces was greenlighted by US ex-President Gerald Ford and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. More than 200,000 were killed from 1975 to 1998, when the dictator Suharto was overthrown. President Reagen supplied all the arms and weapons during his regime for the Genocide in East Timor.

Malaysia with 0.22% oil reserves comes next in the line at No. 28. Its foreign policy is based on the principle of neutrality and maintaining peaceful relations with all countries, regardless of their respective political system. At No. 29, Yemen with 0.18% oil reserves has been catastrophically destroyed by the US allies Saudi Arabia – UAE factions since 2014 to present day. The decade-long ongoing civil war has torn the nation into a point of no future because of the current situation in Gaza. US, UK, Germany have bombed the Houthi region, because of their solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.

United Kingdom at No. 30 holds 0.17% oil reserves. Once, the UK ruled three-fourth of the world but today, the political turmoil and situation is pathetic with ongoing rising cost of living. The British has played a significant role in massacring billions and billions of people around the world during their ruling empire. The less said is better about UK’s historical killings and massacre. Even now, their strong support for Genocide in Gaza is the testament that destruction of other nations is their main priority above all. They have not learnt any lessons from hundreds of unwanted wars in past Centuries.

At No. 31, Syria with 0.15% oil reserves is facing the same fate as Yemen. The Syrian civil war has been ongoing from the 15th of March 2011 to present day.

Almost everyone is involved in this 13 plus years war of attrition – the US-led international coalition, NATO nations, Russia, Saudi Arabia + other GCC nations, Israel, Turkey, various militant outfits, Syrian National Army and others. As many as 610,000 people have lost their lives so far. Syria like Yemen may never recover from this western onslaught in the next two or three decades.

Finally, Uganda at No. 32 holds 0.15% of oil reserves. The autocratic at age 80,   President Yoweri Museveni has ruled the nation from 1986 till date. He happens to be the third longest-ruling President in the world.

To be continued…..

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