In the first part, we have seen how the world is divided by the Fossil Fuel (Oil) Industry by the percentage of oil possessed by 98 out of the total 195 nations. Interestingly, while our world runs and functions on Fossil Fuel, the same can also be said that the chaos and wars in the world is all about Fossil Fuel. I am not only surprised, but also amazed that none of the investigative journalist in the world has ever written or researched on the significant Geopolitical Issue in the last 79 years!
Your guess is as good as mine, because the Genocide in Gaza has exposed the MSM – Misinformation Spreading Machine / Mainstream Media’s role, function, agendas and its control by the State and Billionaires of respective nations. The Fossil Fuel Syndrome is the systematic global reality behind the whole chaos and wars in the world since the Second World War ended in September 1945.
Let us take a look at the Top 10 Oil Producing Nations in the world and its current state to understand the Fossil Fuel Syndrome. Venezuela is the numero uno with 18.2% of Oil Reserves. Venezuelan history has been a violent one (please refer its Wikipedia Page). However, the US hegemony to rule the world by threatening to topple governments, impose sanctions, embargo and unwanted wars has pushed Venezuela to its brink as a failed nation is truly condemnable and unwanted. The US has played a crucial role in destabilizing the nation, so that the Latin American nation can never really pose any threat to US oil reserves. The US stands at 11th place in the world with just 2.1% of the total world oil reserves.
Because of Venezuela’s state of being, as No. 2 Saudi Arabia with 16.2% oil reserves have ruled the world as World’s Largest Producer of Oil. Saudi Arabia has played a significant role as US and Western Nations’ allies. In the first part of the series, I had written how slowly and steadily chaos is being created and generated in Saudi Arabia by America, because of its strong stance in the South Africa’s case of GENOCIDE against Israel at the ICJ. The hypocrisy of America and Saudi Arabia is truly strange, because it plays on both the sides to please the Arab allies. Saudi Arabia is a staunch ally of the Western powers and is heavily dependent on arms supply and has strongly supported Genocide in Gaza – this is the staunch reality in the geopolitical scenario.

Canada stands at No. 3 with 10.4% of oil reserves. The nation is once again an ally of the US and Western nations. As an ally it is safe from the wrath and vile intention of America. At No. 4 is Iran and No. 5 is Iraq with 9.5% and 8.7% oil reserves respectively. Who can forget the First Gulf War from 1980 to 1988 fought between Iran and Iraq? Iraq was invaded by the Bush administration and destroyed on the false pretext of possessing WMDs – Weapons of Mass Destruction and topple the Saddam Hussein government in 2003. The US is still looting its oil reserves with its base camps maintaining oil operations. On the other hand, Iran has been sanctioned and not allowed to sell oil in international market.
At 6th and 7th standing, Kuwait with 6.1% and UAE with 5.9% oil reserves are both Western Nations’ allies. Russia with 4.8%, Libya with 2.9% and Nigeria with 2.2% stand at 8th, 9th and 10th respectively. Russia has been made to engage in unwanted war with Ukraine backed by the US, 31 NATO nations and other Western Nations’ allies like Japan, Australia, Canada, the UK and others. It has been more than two and a half years and the US + NATO NATIONS are pumping trillions of dollars of arms and weapons to loot Ukraine’s rich mineral resources in the name of false NATO Membership. However, they have successfully failed to have any gains over Russia.
Libya has been destroyed, because Muammar Gaddafi’s powerful maiden 90-minute speech at the UN on the 23rd of September 2009, which shook the whole Western Nation, especially the US. Muammar Gaddafi is one and the only one leader in the world, who created the magnificent man-made river GMMR – Great Man-Made River. Today Libya is struggling as a nation after Gaddafi’s assassination in 2011. The US has achieved success to create chaos in the nation and will not pose any threat in future.
Nigeria is facing the same unprecedented chaos with rising prices and protestors taking on the streets to challenge the government. The US and the Western Nations have been milking all the oil producing nations to their advantages. Nations which do not join the Western powers will be systematically destroyed with protests to overthrow patriot leaders of the nation, civil unrest, sanctions and if everything fails – they are invaded to create catastrophic destruction – like what is happening in GAZA GENOCIDE!
To steal GAZA MARINE from GAZANS, the thousands of Palestinians are being massacred, while destroying every single infrastructure by the Western powers.