From the United States of America to the United Kingdom; from Italy, Poland, Germany, Czech, Spain, Bulgaria, France to Saudi Arabia; from India, Nepal, Vietnam, Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand, China to Australia; from Mexico, Algeria, Morocco, Cyprus, Turkey, Greece, Croatia to Nigeria…… Human Greed Catastrophes, better known as Climatic Catastrophes, are destructing villages, towns, cities and nations at epic proportion never seen or witnessed before in our modern world.

Watch Destruction of US southeastern States

Ironical that leaders of every single State in the world have not only turned a blind eye towards Human Greed Catastrophes, but also are not at all bothered about their citizens’ plight, woes, sufferings, losses and lives lost. In fact, they have become more focused and are all busy to create more destruction, and continue their killing games and massacres of global citizens at every possible whims and fancy. What a great world, we humans have created for ourselves, courtesy “HUMAN GREED”!

Watch UK’s Destruction

I have really run out of words to write about Human Greed Catastrophes, because every single day I watch videos, on YouTube Climate Crisis Channels, of destructions of multiple nations one after another in epic proportions. In spite of all the Human Greed’s onslaught, we humans are not only refusing to acknowledge the severity of the situation, but also have become used to all the destructions around us, as if all the Climatic Destruction is just another sports to watch and applaud to just click “LIKE”. How callous and shameless we all have become because of our greed, isn’t it?

Watch Destruction in France

The MSM – Most Shameless Machine (Mainstream Media) are so excited to keep the rhetoric of a possible Nuclear War on their daily broadcasting as if they will be saved in their television news channels. Their shameless approach for more destruction of Planet Earth with Nuclear arsenal truly depicts the lowest grade and standard of news. The 24x7x365 days’ NEWS have become the “Narcissistic Evil World of Sycophants”, where only killings, killings and more killings matter to mint trillions of dollars day in and day out.

Watch Destruction in Nepal

In the geopolitical world nothing happens by chance, because every single happening in the world is well-scripted, staged and orchestrated to a perfect ‘T’, so as to keep the MSM – Misinformation Spreading Machine run 24x7x365 days to mint trillions and trillions of dollars for the very-very select few to run the world. This Human Greed will never cease till Planet Earth is still livable! Even though “these select few” know that they cannot live forever in spite of their trillions of dollars, interestingly their greed can never be satiated.

Watch Destruction in Japan

APOCALYPSE is the only answer and remedy to solve all the problems of Planet Earth and its inhabitants now! It is only a matter of time. The time has already run out!  

Watch Destruction in Saudi Arabia

NOTE: I wish to thank NAU Channel for doing a great job to generate Climatic Destruction awareness…. Keep up the good work to keep informing the world about Climatic Catastrophes!

To be continued…..

Feature Photo: Kathi Richards

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