14th July 2021: Young Bollywood Director Prawaal Raman’s, who gave us entertaining films like DARNA MANA HAI and critically acclaimed film 404 – ERROR NOT FOUND, bachelor pad in Yari Road, Versova, Mumbai is a rare collection of interesting artefacts and antiques that are in perfect working condition. Johnny D explores the cool and cosy pad, while interviewing the director.
An avid collector, Prawaal has been collecting interesting memorabilia since his earlier days. He reminisces, “My father gave me this gramophone, when I was still in school. I have treasured it to enjoy music on LP even now.”

The one bedroom pad with a working kitchen, bath and toilet reflects the director’s individual space to suit his creative personality. A small balcony attached to the drawing room gives the director to enjoy the evening to sky gaze into the starlit sky. The grey and black theme add dimension to all the pictures, posters and memorabilia to great perfection with subdued indirect lighting.

As the door opens to the first floor flat, one is spellbound with interesting set of arrangements that goes in sync with each other to describe the lovely interiors. An amalgamation of various sitting arrangements in the drawing room has been intelligently incorporated with a mix of modern and traditional olden days’ furniture. The arrangements complement each other to create a beautiful ambience of interiors.

Two plush black single sofas, an old wooden table placed with a combination of modern day laptop with an old radio and Alfred Hitchcock’s poster grab one’s attention. An old rocking chair, a low height divan along with a glass table with the antique Vitrola 1930 Gramophone, an old chest with yesteryear- styled table lamp along with 8 mm Pentaka camera and Casablanca poster placed on it, heaps of books related to cinema and biographies by the side of the chest.

“Well, everything you see here are in perfect working condition. I really enjoy music on my gramophone and radio… they are still priceless,” states Prawaal.
One of the walls, where all of Prawaal’s favourite personalities are placed well-framed, attracts one’s attention…

Prawaal reveals, “Legendary Bob Marley’s poster was gifted by the Tattoo artist Al, Charlie Chaplin’s original picture was bought during my Africa visit in Mombasa, Che Guevara’s photo was presented to me by one of my friends from Cuba, and the Original Print Ads were picked up from an antique shop. I simply love to collect amazing things that attract me on the spur of the moment… it can be a camera, a clock, pictures of legends, antiques, anything!”

A hanging lamp is suspended over Prawaal’s working table, which is stationed along the window that has been draped neatly with bamboo mat curtain and cloth curtains. The wooden flooring adds the beauty and warmth to the whole setting. A rug is placed right in the centre of the room.

Kitchen is towards the left and the bath & toilet at right of the small passage that leads to the bedroom are functional and just perfect for a bachelor pad. Every space has been used to great perfection in the house. The low-height bed looks cosy. Right in front of the bed, the much required sleek screen TV, with speakers on both the sides along with other cinematic gadgets, are placed over the low-height cabinet for the director to be at work or enjoy cinema.

A lovely cinema poster hangs on the wall towards the left, while by the side of the cabinet… Prawaal’s 6,000 plus DVD / CD library makes a statement about his penchant towards cinema. The director reveals, “This collection started way back, when I was still in school. Since then, I have collected all the classic of International cinema and outstanding music CDs and DVDs that teaches so many techniques about the amazing medium.”

There is a bean bag by the side of the bed… maroon coloured curtain drapes the windows in the bedroom. A huge dressing mirror hangs on one of the walls along with Moulin Rouge and Prawaal’s favourite personality Che’s posters. The indirect lighting and the wooden flooring complement the whole interiors to provide a warm look.

The director’s pad speaks about Prawaal’s individual taste of things that describes his personality the best!
Photo: Akshay Kulkarni