‘Human Greed’ has not only pushed Planet Earth towards Apocalypse, but also is speeding up the process in an unimaginable faster pace by egocentric, fanatical and lunatics’ never-ending wars with DESTRUCTION, DESTRUCTION and more DESTRUCTION, and massacre of millions of innocents as its only outcome. It will not be wrong to state that global leaders have and are all displaying their animalistic instincts at its hilt!

Watch Floods in Mecca and Medina, Saudi Arabia

Interestingly and ironic indeed that “Genocide of Humanity” is being led, backed, supported and sponsored by none other than the UN – United Nations, who self-proclaims to be the so-called SAVIOUR of the World Order! How wonderful world, we humans have created in this 21st Century!

Watch Floods in Warsaw, Poland


The MSM – Mainstream Media has become shameless and arrogant to blatantly become Misinformation Spreading Machine of the State, Global Leaders and for the few Rich Elites to satiate their greed. Human Greed is leading the whole world towards destructions and apocalypse. The “Myth” of MEDIA as the “Fourth Pillar of Democracy” has been exposed brutally and shamelessly by the coverage of MSM of the ongoing ‘Genocide in Gaza’ and ‘Genocide in Sudan’.

Watch Floods in Japan

Media’s role to question the authorities, running the State, and hold them accountable for all the corruption and massacre of innocent citizens have become their strong hands in State’s Gloves to keep pumping misinformation day in and day out unabashedly. The MSM has played a significant role and contributed the largest share in ‘Climatic Destruction’ of the world. Instead of holding global leaders responsible for its failure to take any concrete steps to safeguard villages, towns, cities and nations – the MSM have all shut their eyes and mouths to cover ‘Human Greed Crisis’, brilliantly coined and branded as ‘Climatic Change’.

Watch Floods in Gujarat, India

By showing their incompetency and impotency to be responsible Media Professionals and perform their duties sincerely and unbiasedly, the MSM have become very selective in covering ‘Human Greed Crisis’ and that too, when it has to show selective regions’ countries in bad light. Coverage of Climatic Catastrophes in the United States, European and their Allies’ Nations are rarely covered by MSM. In August 2024, more than 15 American States experienced devastating floods, wildfires and destructions from tornadoes and severe storms. How many of them did anyone really read in the MSM?

Watch Floods in Italy

Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Poland, Bulgaria, Greece, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Austria, Turkey, New Zealand, Netherlands, Hungary and many other nations have experienced catastrophic destructions, floods, wildfires and battered by tennis-ball-sized hails, earthquakes, landslides and severe storms in the month of August 2024, but how many did you ever witnessed being covered by the MSM? Once these human greed catastrophes are not covered by the MSM, 90% of the global citizens are unaware about them. But yes, the MSM will show with bold headlines, catastrophes in African Nations, China and Asian nations without fail. The bias is evident and so glaring!

Watch Floods in Iran

The MSM’s silence and biased reporting is more dangerous than the greenhouse emissions and is the largest contributor of Climatic Destruction for failing its duties and responsibilities.

Watch Floods in Germany


The void of MSM has been brilliantly and effectively filled by YouTubers, who are posting daily about Climatic Catastrophes happening around the world. Responsible citizens of the world are not only generating great content about climatic catastrophes of the world, but also generating awareness about Climate Destruction and its devastating effects.

Watch Floods in Florida, USA

‘zerobeyond – the new frontier!’ wishes to thank every YouTuber, who is committed to report climatic catastrophes, for updating the world about Planet Earth’s destruction. If not for these committed individuals, the world would never know that more 1,500 to 2,000 climatic catastrophes are taking place around the world every single year, day in and day out.

Watch Floods in China

To be continued…..

Feature Photo Courtesy: Luna Troizel

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