It is indeed very significant to understand logically the advantages and disadvantages of the “Fossil Fuel” that has not only been running our Human Civilization since its advent, but also is the root cause of “Destruction of Planet Earth”. The uneven distribution of oil reserves in Nature, with just 98 out of the 195 nations possessing it, is one of the significant and major reasons of all the chaos, massacres of innocents, destruction of Planet Earth and the unwanted deadly wars in the world.

The MSM – Mainstream Media, popularly known to the whole world as the “Misinformation Spreading Machine”, will never write about this global reality, because we all know they have always been hands in gloves with the State, Corporation, Global Leaders and the Filthy Rich Billionaires of the world, who control the whole world.

In the ‘First Part’ of the Series, I gave the overview of the global scenario. In ‘Part II’, I wrote about the ‘Top 10 Oil Producing Nations of the World’. In ‘Part III’, we will take a look at the next 11 nations positioned No. 11 to No. 21 in the list of 98 nations.  

The US is positioned at No. 11 in the list with just a mere 2.1% of the total Oil Reserves it possesses in the world. This small percentage is the main reason that has made the US being vicious to destruct all the other oil producing nations in the world by invading nation after nations, sanctions, coup to overthrow governments and the recent ongoing ‘Genocide in Gaza’ to stamp its hegemonic authority in the world. As on 18th April 2024, the US has near about 750 military bases installed in 80 countries around the world and not forgetting the 173,000 troops deployed in at least 159 countries. The magnitude of destruction in various nations around the world by the US and its allies is evident!

Kazakhstan, at No. 12 with 1.8% Oil Reserves, scores higher economic freedom than the world and the regional averages. According to the 2024 Index, Kazakhstan’s economy is considered “moderately free”. The former Soviet Republic, Kazakhstan is the largest landlocked nation in Central Asia that extends from the Caspian Sea in the west to the Altai Mountains at its eastern border with China and Russia respectively. Qatar at No. 13 with 1.5% is one of the richest countries in the world. The nation has played a significant role in global politics with its ‘Open-door’ foreign policy. The United States and Qatar are strategic allies. Interestingly, the United States has designated Qatar as a major non-NATO ally.

At No. 14, China with 1.5% Oil Reserves is one of the most significant oppositions of the US and its allies. The two nations have always been on tenterhooks for various reasons, be it military dominance or else economic powerhouse – the US has always spread propaganda about China. China is the global powerhouse with its unmatched numerous production lines that manufactures everything from a pin to EVs to export worldwide, including the US. Interestingly in the recent years, hundreds of westerners from Europe and the American continent are exposing ‘US Propaganda’ by showcasing the reality about China’s unmatched amazing infrastructure, its lifestyle in various regions and its fabulous architecture and engineering feats.

Brazil, at No. 15 with 1.0% Oil Reserves, exports Crude Petroleum mainly to China, US, Spain, Chile and Portugal. It is one of the largest economies in the world as Foreign Investments and Exports have helped Brazil grow its GDP. The nation relies on manufacturing, mining, agriculture and the services sector for its healthy growth.

Algeria, at No. 16 with 0.7% Oil Reserves, is one of the allies of the US and Western Powers with its historical past. Algeria’s strategic location has helped the United States to engage diplomatic, law enforcement, economic and security matters in the Sahel region.

At No. 17, Mexico with 0.59% Oil Reserves has had a love-hate relationship with the United States, in spite of being its ally. Mexico exports nearly 80% of its total export to the US. NAFTA – North American Free Trade Agreement saw trade between the two nations increased exponentially. On the other hand, the United States has had problems with illegal immigration, arms sales and drug smuggling from Mexico.   

No. 18 is Angola with 0.51% Oil Reserves. The US ally is a strategic partner and regional leader. The two nations’ partnership is critical to advancing its shared goals for expanding economic prosperity and energy access, upholding democracy and human rights, and advancing regional security.

Ecuador with 0.50% Oil Reserves stands at No. 19 in the list. The US ally exports Crude Petroleum, Crustaceans and Refine Petroleum to the United States. At No. 20, Azerbaijan with 0.42% Oil Reserves exports nearly 75% of its energy exports to European nations. The former Soviet Republic has closer ties with European nations and the United States than Russia. The United States and Azerbaijan work to promote bilateral trade expansion and investment, European energy security, combat terrorism and transnational threats.

At No. 21 with 0.32% Oil Reserves, Oman plays both ways to be on the safe side of the geopolitical world. On one hand, Oman maintains good relations with Iran and on the other hand it shares strong defense ties with the United States.

One must not forget the ‘Genocide in Gaza’ is being strongly supported, backed and sponsored by the United States to steal the ‘Gaza Marine’ from the Palestinians. In order to help Israel destruct Gaza completely, while unequivocally being supported by the US and its allies, the massacre of thousands of innocent Palestinians have seen no respite in its twelfth month as the UN has been committing ‘Genocide of Humanity’ ever since it was established on the 24th of October1945.

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