Climate Crisis, Urban Flaw and Global Architects – Part IV

“Whatever happens to us will not have any impact on the world. In time, the world will regenerate. It will come back green and the waters will be clean again. It’s just that there won’t be any people here.” – Chief Oren Lyons, Native American Faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan

12th JUNE: ‘Historic moment’: First climate action case goes on trial in US – Plaintiffs – aged five to 22 – argue Montana’s promotion of an energy system reliant on fossil fuels violates their right to a clean and healthy environment under the US state’s constitution.

31st MAY: Owners lose their homes: 10+ buildings in Tianjin are tilting, sinking, cracking…worse every day –

June – the month of human-greed crisis, popularly and wrongfully known as Climate Crisis, is the beginning of the catastrophic month for human civilization. We are on the 19th day of the month and already there have been more than 50 catastrophic disasters around the world. The end is inevitable and is arriving at a greater pace.

Small-small efforts are certainly not going to save Planet Earth from destructive natural disasters any more. In the year 2022 – 2023, starting period June to May, the world was destroyed by more than 1,200+ disasters. Millions of lives were lost, properties destroyed to the tune of multiple trillions of dollars, millions of animals and cattle were dead and farm produces – from food grains to fruits to vegetables lost are just immeasurable! The ironic thing about 1,200+ disasters is that barely 5% of the total disasters were covered by the international news media.

EV manufacturers around the world are propagating that EV – Electric Vehicles will put a check and are environmental-friendly. However, the serious concern has already rocked Britain and raising a concern among engineers, structural engineers and car park consultants. Below is the headline in The Telegraph, dated 5th June 2023 –

Electric cars too heavy for old multi-storey car parks, engineers warn in UK – The Telegraph, dated 5th Jun 2023

EVs are heavier as compared to fuel-driven vehicles. Parking of EVs in multi-storey parking lots has become worrisome and it is a serious one. EVs are also costly as compared to fuel-driven cars, so only the rich people can afford to buy them.

In the recent months of 2023, the frequency of landslides around the world has drastically increased. This phenomenon is certainly not a natural disaster, but the result of human-greed crisis. Mountains are being razed to make roads and interstate highways. It is common sense that when the outer layers are being razed, the natural balance of the mountains is bound to collapse resulting in landslides. Just like a building without outer pillars and columns will collapse rather than stand erect. It is certainly not rocket science.

Poor people, who cannot afford to buy plots on plain ground too, are also responsible for creating the imbalance in natural landforms. The poor inhabit the mountain slopes to build their shelters and survive somehow. When landslides happen, these poor people lose everything including their lives. We humans are blatantly destroying our Earth and amazingly blaming ‘nature’ for all the disasters. It is the State’s responsibility to preserve and conserve whatever landforms and forests a nation has, so as to provide a safe and secure life to its citizen.

Young architects, who are graduating and stepping in the architectural world has shown more maturity and understanding to safeguard Planet Earth with their interesting perspective. Bangalore-based architect Siri Chandana Venugopal rightly observes that the involvement of the State is equally important to overcome flooding crisis in urban and rural areas along with urban planners, architects and urban designers.

“I believe that architects, urban designers, urban planners and the government should work together to find a solution to the flooding crisis. Together they can identify the main causes of the flooding and work towards eliminating them. Solutions include improving existing drainage and sewage systems, planting trees to increase the local water absorption rate, and developing sustainable water management techniques.

Siri Chandana Venugopal, 2023-2024 Masters of Urban Design, University of Auckland

These techniques should take into account developments such as climate change, urban sprawl and ever increasing population density. The government should provide adequate funding to ensure these solutions are put in place properly. With the collective efforts of these groups, cities can become more flood-resistant and resilient. In my opinion, even if one of them lacks, there might not be proficiently functioning cities.” – SIRI CHANDANA VENUGOPAL, B. Arch 2021 Graduate, SJB School of Architecture and Planning, Bangalore, Karnataka, INDIA

To be continued….

Feature Photo: Wrangell, Alaska

Photographer: Tammi Meissner

Image Courtesy: Respective Architect

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